VETSCAN® Rapid Tests

VETSCAN® Rapid Tests

  • Kategori:

    Lab Diagnostic

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Providing the flexibility you need at the point-of-care

The VETSCAN Rapid Test portfolio gives you more of what you want and less of what you don’t want from a rapid test — more options, more confidence, less hassle, less waiting.


Features & Benefits


Highly sensitive and specific results, delivered through proven technology


Extended shelf-life

Confidently eliminate lost revenue on expired test kits


Room temperature storage

Save fridge space and eliminate test warm-up time, while guaranteeing rapid results for your patients



Pass on the savings to your clients and eliminate the cost of babysitting multi-step, overpriced test kits



Embrace the flexibility of single, combo, or multiplex testing based on clinical symptoms and disease prevalence specific to your geographic location



Three easy steps help eliminate unnecessary re-tests and minimize the margin for human error


Rapid results

Get results at the point-of-care in 8-10 minutes

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