MLS® Laser Therapy Case Study Milky, a Maltese with Idiopathic Head Tremor Syndrome Breed: MalteseGender: FemaleAge: 1 year old Clinical CaseThe animal was adopted at the age of one year. The owner immediately noticed the appearance of involuntary tremors, especially during stressful situations. During the first week after adopt [...]
Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS) affects 50% of cats over the age of 15 years and 35% of dogs older than 8 years. Disorientation, house-toileting, disturbances in sleep patterns and increased signs of anxiety can all be signs of Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome. If you notice any of these signs, or any other changes in your pets behaviour, we [...]
Now available: the new Catalyst Pancreatic Lipase Test.The new Catalyst Pancreatic Lipase Test. A diagnosis of pancreatitis can be difficult due to the nonspecific and sometimes subtle clinical signs and similarities with other disorders. Now with results received in less than 10 minutes, veterinarians are empowered to confidently diagnose pancrea [...]
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