KRUUSE Anaesthetic Filter

KRUUSE Anaesthetic Filter

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    Anastesia & Monitoring

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KRUUSE Anaesthetic Filter

Convenient filter to collect organic anaesthetic gases. Lets oxygen and carbon dioxide through. The lifetime of the filter is approx. 20 hours depending on gas concentration and evaporation. The filter is saturated and must be replaced when the filter weight has increased by 200 g. Delivered complete with 2 m x 22 mm tubing and standard fitting (fits all anaesthesia machines).

                                                                                                                                               Cat. No               Pk. size

KRUUSE anaesthetic fi lter, 2 m x 22 mm 271559     1

Spare fi lter for KRUUSE anaesthetic fi lter 271558     6

Green spare connector             271561     1

Scavenge tube (per meter)             271579     1

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